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History Education Master's Program
The History Education Master's Degree Study Program was established in August 2014. The History Education Master's Degree Study Program organizes education and teaching, research, and community service in the field of historical education that are relevant to scientific demands and developments.
The Masters Program in History Education prepares Masters who are able to develop curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular learning systems in the form of innovative, original and tested learning models.
Time line
By sistem:Intake Genap Februari, Intake Ganjil Desember
Study Timeline
23 months
UNY, LPDP, and BPDN Excellence Scholarships, Local Government Scholarships and Local Government Cooperation.
Graduate Profile
Graduates of the PPS UNY History Education Master's Degree Study Program are prepared to become historical education experts (history teachers or lecturers, and or historical education practitioners) who have good character and personality, knowledge, technology and or art abilities to face the challenges of community dynamics both in regional communities, national and global.,
Cost of education
Tuition fees for students include tuition fees.
Lecturer's Name and Expertise
- Prof. Dr. Ajat Sudrajat, M.Ag (West Asian History)
- Prof. Saefur Rochmat, Ph.D.(Indonesian History)
- Prof. Dr. Suranto, M.Pd., M.Si.(Educational Research Methodology)
- Dr. Aman, M.Pd (Evaluation of History Learning)
- Dr. Saliman, M.Pd (Mutualism Education)
- Dr. Dyah Kumalasari, M.Pd.(History of Education)
- Dr. Miftahuddin, M.Hum (Indonesian History)
- Dr. Zulkarnain, M.Pd. (History of State Administration)
- Dr. Supardi, M.Pd. (South Asian History)
- Dr. Rhoma Dwi Aria Yuliantri, M.Pd (Indonesian History)
- Dr. Risky Setiawan, M.Pd. (Education Evaluation)
- Dr. Sudrajat (Locale History)
Study Program Excellence
- The History Education Master's Degree Study Program has a focus on developing historical education science that is relevant to the demands of the times, has superior competence and is competitive.
- The History Education Master's Degree Study Program has a scientific character of education based on multiculturalism and local wisdom.
- The History Education Master's Degree Study Program has collaborated with various parties in the scientific development of historical education.
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